Main Round placement results now available! For K-12, visit the Parent Portal. For Early Childhood, visit Avela.
REGISTER HERE for May 8 Early Childhood Lunch & Learn info session; REGISTER HERE for May 15 K-12 Lunch & Learn info session

NOLA-PS Early Learning & Childcare is still accepting applications for seats in the 23-24 cycle. 

K-12 Open Enrollment

Get Ready For Online Open Enrollment

Online Open Enrollment starts June 5. Families who need a NOLA-PS K-12 school placement, or families wishing to change their placement for the 2024-2025 school year should participate in online Open Enrollment through September 13. 

  1. Check the Seat Availability Report to see which schools have seats available. Coming soon!
  2. Make sure you are able to log into the Parent Portal now and see your student's information so you'll be ready to enroll online in June.  
  3. Once you enroll in a school, you must follow up and complete registration directly with your new school within five days.
Seat Availability Report
The report shows which grades have available seats at each school. If you navigate away from the report and return, refresh the page to update.
Explore Our Schools
Explore K-12 schools with confidence. You can filter your search by zip code, school programs, and more! Build a list of saved schools that interest you.
Visit The Parent Portal
Log into the Portal June 5 - Sept 13 and participate in Open Enrollment if you need a placement, or would like to change your placement for 2024 - 2025.


Any student interested in enrolling at a school with eligibility criteria must first meet requirements to qualify for enrollment. There are 10 schools with eligibility criteria: 4 schools with academic eligibility criteria, 5 schools with foreign language eligibility criteria, and 1 school with open house eligibility criteria. See the list below.  

Students who rank a school with eligibility criteria on their NOLA-PS application and who met the eligibility criteria of the school by the Main Round deadline will be considered for admission at that school during the Main Round match. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria OR do not rank a school with eligibility criteria will not be considered for admission at a school with eligibility criteria. Families will receive their Main Round school placement by April 30, 2024.

Eligibility Criteria School Waitlists

After the Main Round match, applicants who met the eligibility criteria for admission but didn't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on a waitlist. Waitlist information will be displayed in the Portal starting May 10.

Not all waitlisted students will receive a waitlist offer. Starting in June, you will receive an email if your student receives a waitlist offer. You can log into the Parent Portal to accept or decline your offer. Families must respond to waitlist offers by the expiration date and time in your offer letter or you will lose the placement opportunity. All waitlists end on September 1, 2024.   

A student can be on a waitlist whether they have a school placement for the upcoming school year or not. You can complete registration at your Main Round placement school or participate in Open Enrollment and it will not change or affect your student's position on the waitlist. We recommend securing a placement and enrolling in a school with an available seat while you are on the waitlist. If you receive a waitlist offer, you can always accept that offer, which will transfer your student to that new school. Kindergarten through 12th grade is mandatory in Louisiana, so it’s best to go ahead and choose a school with an available seat so your child is ready to start the school year in August.  

The only way a student is removed from the waitlist is if the parent/guardian asks for the child to be removed, if a waitlist offer is made and then expires, or if the offer is declined. If you would like to remove your student from the waitlist, please log in to the Parent Portal and submit a ticket to the Help Desk before September 1, 2024. 

School-Specific Information

  • Academic Eligibility Criteria: Students must pass an academic proficiency test and submit additional information to be eligible. 
Audubon Uptown Montessori (grades 3-8)

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP but are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5.  
Testing information for Open Enrollment: 
Schedule testing here. Testing dates are May 4 and June 1. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten, first grade, and second grade do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

Ben Franklin High School (grades 9-11) 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Testing information for Open Enrollment: 
Admissions Portal for Test Registration is now open. Visit the school's website for more details.   

Lake Forest Elementary (grades K-8) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school but who met admissions criteria will be placed on the waitlist.  

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5.
Testing information for Open Enrollment waitlist: 
Admissions Portal for Test Registration is now open for first time applicants. Testing dates are May 29 and 30 (K - 1st grade) and May 18 (2nd - 8th grade). Students that applied to LFC in the Main Round, but did not qualify, and would like to reactivate for the spring application period must complete this form. Visit the school's website for more details.    

The Willow School (grades K-12) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5.  
Testing information for Open Enrollment waitlist:
If your child is a first time applicant to Willow, complete the Willow Supplemental Admissions Form. Willow does not have availability in grades 1, 2, 6, or 7. Testing for Kindergarten is scheduled individually for a Saturday morning or afternoon in May, Testing dates for grades 3-5 and 8-12 are May 11 and May 18. If your child applied to Willow in Main Round and would like to reactivate your account, complete the Willow Spring Round Application Reactivation Form for 2024 - 2025.
Visit the school's website for more details. 

  • Language Eligibility Criteria: Students must demonstrate proficiency in French or Spanish to be eligible. 
Audubon Uptown French (grades 1-8) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP but are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5.  
Testing information for Open Enrollment: 
Schedule testing here. Testing date is May 4. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

Hynes Lakeview French (grades 1-5) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Testing information for Open Enrollment: Schedule an assessment date for your child using this form: Hynes Charter Schools French Immersion Assessment Form. Testing date is July 27. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

Hynes UNO French (grades 1-4) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Testing information for Open Enrollment: Schedule an assessment date for your child using this form: Hynes Charter Schools French Immersion Assessment Form. Testing date is July 27. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

International School of Louisiana - French and Spanish (grades 2-8)

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Testing information for Open Enrollment: Schedule an assessment date for your child using this form: ISL Late Enrollment Admissions Testing. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten and first grade do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

Lycee Francais de la Nouvelle Orleans (grades 1-12) 

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Testing information for Open Enrollment: Schedule an assessment date for your child using this form: LFNO Spring French Proficiency Assessment. Testing date is May 18. Visit the school's website for more details. 
Students entering kindergarten do not need to meet eligibility requirements. Simply list the school on your NOLA-PS application and your child will be considered. 

  • Open House Eligibility Criteria: Students and parent/guardians must attend an open house to be eligible. 
New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy (NOMMA)

After the Main Round match, applicants who don't receive initial placement at the school will be placed on the waitlist if they meet admissions criteria. 

If you did not list this school on your Main Round NCAP and are interested in having your student attend, spring Open House dates are May 15, May 20, June 4, and June 12 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Open Enrollment launches June 5. 
Families can find out more about Open House and admissions information on the NOMMA website


Specialized Programs are designed to meet the needs of students with cognitive and intellectual disabilities and/or students with disabilities requiring therapeutic behavioral supports.

Students must have a current IEP in order to be eligible for these specialized programs. Students who are interested in a specialized program may seek a referral through the student’s IEP team at their current school. The NOLA-PS specialized support team can assist families to connect with their child’s IEP team and learn about program options.

For more information, please review this Overview of Specialized Programs and the NOLA-PS Specialized Program Guide. Reach out to Justin Allison ( with questions.

Additional resources for families and students with exceptionalities
For additional information about programs, organizations, and resources available throughout the city for individuals with exceptionalities, please check out the 2023 Special Education Resource Guide. The Resource Guide is a living document that contains more than 20 areas of assistance, boasting more than 170 organizations and providers. Resources to assist families obtain housing, extra-curricular activities, financial aid, transportation, and employment opportunities are just a few of the categories the Guide contains. 


What Families Need To Know.
Can I work directly with a school site to enroll my student?

No. In NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS), there is a unified enrollment process for all schools. Students are enrolled by the NOLA-PS district enrollment team, and individual schools are not permitted to enroll students directly. During the summer, the only way students are assigned to a school is through the Open Enrollment process. View all the schools we serve here

How do I get a seat during Open Enrollment?

To get a seat for the 2024-2025 school year, families can participate in Open Enrollment, which runs from June 5 through September 13, 2024. Log into the Parent Portal online and click "Opt in to Open Enrollment" to complete the form to enroll your student in their new school immediately. 

Once you've selected a school and submitted the form, you'll work directly with the school to finish registration within five days of placement and find answers to any questions you may have about the school.

Do I need to come in person to get a school assignment during Open Enrollment? Will I get any different or better access to seats if I do come in person?

No. The fastest way to secure a seat is to enroll online using the Parent Portal as soon as you can. You are welcome to come in person if you don’t have access to enroll at home or need assistance.

How do I know which schools have available seats during Open Enrollment?

The Seat Availability Report shows which schools have available seats in real time during Open Enrollment. There are three levels of availability in the report: no availability means 0 seats are available; limited availability means 5 or fewer seats remain; and availability means there are 6+ seats available.

Where can I learn more about the schools with available seats?

Visit our Explore Schools Tool. You can enter your home address in the search bar or use the filters to search schools that offer special programs (examples: after care, transportation services, sports, etc.). Check out our how-to video for tips on how to use the tool. 

What is “Eligibility Criteria” and how do I enroll my student in those schools?

There are 10 schools with Eligibility Criteria—meaning students must complete required steps to be eligible to enroll, such as an academic proficiency test, a foreign language assessment, or an open house requirement. Each school has different requirements, as well as availability for completing requirements in the summer. For more information, visit:

The school I want to go to says there are no available seats for Open Enrollment, should I wait?

We recommend using the form in the Portal to enroll in a school with an available seat. You can still transfer one more time during the Open Enrollment period ending September 13. Kindergarten through 12 grade is mandatory for students in Louisiana, so it’s best to go ahead and choose a school with an available seat so your child is ready to start the school year in August. The Seat Availability report will stay up to date if you want to keep an eye on the availability of your preferred school. 

Why do some schools appear on the Seat Availability Report, but I can’t select them on the Open Enrollment Form?
Seat availability is changing all the time. The Seat Availability Report is updated in real time, so it's important to refresh to see the latest availability. The options listed on the dropdown menu in the Parent Portal are the schools with available seats at the time of viewing.

There are 10 schools with Eligibility Criteria that will never appear as options on the Open Enrollment Form. Students must work with the school directly to complete an assessment (academic or foreign language assessment in French or Spanish) or other next steps to see if your child is eligible. Eligible students are assigned manually (if a seat is available) according to set procedures by the NOLA-PS enrollment team once the school confirms students are eligible. Learn more about Eligibility Schools here. 
How can I enroll my child into their sibling's school?

Some schools offer Sibling Unification, which means that an applying student who is a sibling of a current student at the school can enroll even if there is not a seat available. First, you need to check if the school where your child currently attends offers Sibling Unification at the grade level of your applying sibling. You can check to see if a school offers Sibling Unification in the Seat Availability Report. 

For example, if I have a 6th grade student who attends Andrew Wilson and a 3rd grade student who attends another school, I can check if Sibling Unification is available for 3rd grade at Wilson. If Sibling Unification says "yes" for 3rd grade, I can enroll my 3rd grader at Wilson using the online form in the Parent Portal. Please note the other sibling must be enrolled to attend that school for 2024-2025 in order for the sibling match to work in the form.

Once you have confirmed Sibling Unification is enabled for your child's grade level, use the online form in the Parent Portal to enroll your child. On the second page of the form, answer "Yes" to the question asking if you'd like to unify siblings. Select the appropriate sibling from the options displayed (the sibling who attends the school where you would like your other child to go and where Sibling Unification is enabled). Once you select the sibling, type their school name into the dropdown menu and select the school. Then submit your form to enroll your child. 

If you do not see your child's sibling unified, submit a help desk ticket

Does my child get sibling priority during Open Enrollment? Does my child get geographic priority if we live close to the school we’re interested in?

No. Open Enrollment is a first-come, first-served enrollment process. As soon as you pick a school your student is enrolled in that school. Priorities are only considered in the Main Round application process.  

Do schools offer waitlists?
The only schools to offer waitlists are schools with Eligibility Criteria. Eligible students are added to the waitlist if there are no available seats. See the Schools with Eligibility Criteria page for more information about which schools and grades have a waitlist. 

If you have been added to a waitlist and would like to check on your waitlist position, log into the Parent Portal and click the Waitlist tab (please note Waitlist information will be displayed in the Portal starting May 10).
My student attended a NOLA-PS school last year, but left mid-year, am I able to reactivate?

Students who were active at a school on 10/1 of the prior year but left the school mid-year can return if the school has decided to accept previous students even if they have no available seats. First, check to the see if the school has available seats, if so, enroll. If there are no available seats, check the Seat Availability Report. If the school has “Reactivations” checked by the desired grade level, then contact us by submitting a help desk ticket, or calling 504-547-6652 to request the placement, even if the Seat Availability Report shows no availability. 

I enrolled in a new school through the Open Enrollment form. What do I do now?

Families must complete registration with their new school within five days of assignment. If families do not complete registration, they can be dropped from the school’s roster. See a list of all school registration directions for more information specific to your child’s school.

If I change my mind, can I transfer to a different school during Open Enrollment?
Families can participate in Open Enrollment Form twice between June 5, 2024 and the end date on September 13, 2024.

Students can only hold one NOLA-PS placement at a time. Once the change is submitted, the student is immediately enrolled in their new placement, and they no longer hold the seat at their previous placement. 
What if I want to change my school after Open Enrollment ends on September 15?

Families cannot change schools based on preference alone after September 13. Families can submit a hardship transfer request on or after September 16, 2024. Learn more at the mid-year transfers page

My child often struggles in traditional settings and I'm interested in schools that offer supportive services.
EQA Schools offer a variety of options for students 7th grade and up including flexible schedules, small classes, free childcare, therapeutic settings, and more. For more information, click here
Can my child enroll in summer school if they get a first-time placement at a NOLA-PS school during Open Enrollment?

Summer school is an option at some schools for some currently enrolled students. Once your child gets assigned to a school, families can reach out to the school to see if there are any opportunities for summer learning.

I am new to NOLA Public Schools.
We’ve never attended school here before. How do I enroll?

First-time families can participate in Open Enrollment even if you did not attend a NOLA-PS school last year. You will need to enroll via the Open Enrollment form on the Parent Portal. First, head to the Portal and create your user account and add your student as a new student. You will then see you student's name under My Students and there will be a link to complete the Open Enrollment form and choose a school for the 2024 - 2025 school year. For information on how to select the appropriate grade level, see our Grade Placement Guide.

If you’d like to see which seats are available, check the Seat Availability Report. If you’d like to learn more about which services are offered at local schools, check out our Explore Schools Tool. You do not have to come into the Family Resource Centers to enroll in school for 2024 - 2025 but are welcome to stop by in person if you need any assistance. 

Do I enroll in my closest neighborhood school?

New Orleans has a unique school system where 100% of our schools are public charter schools. See the 2023-2024 New Orleans Public School Governance Chart for more information about charter networks. Even though charter schools are managed by individual Charter Management Organizations (CMOs), the district manages enrollment and applications to all NOLA-PS schools through a unified enrollment system. Families can select any school across the city that has an available seat. Families are never automatically assigned to a default school. In New Orleans, every family must choose where they would like their child to enroll. To learn more about which schools have available seats, visit our Seat Availability Report. To learn more about what programs different schools offer, visit our Explore Schools Tool. If a school close to home is important to your family, enter your address on the Explore Schools Tool to see schools closest to your home. 

What documents will I need to enroll?

You will not need documents to participate in Open Enrollment. Families must complete registration with their documents at their new school within five days of selecting a school through Open Enrollment. If families do not complete registration, they can be dropped from the school’s roster. See a list of all school registration directions for more information—different schools will have different registration directions. Every family is required to provide proof of residency in Orleans Parish annually. 

I would like to learn more about my school options.
Visit our Explore Schools tool to navigate schools with confidence. Check out our how-to video for tips on how to use the tool. 
I participated in Main Round and need to manage my placement.
I applied during Main Round, but I was not matched or waitlisted

Please participate in Open Enrollment and select a school from the available schools list now. Need assistance? Submit a help desk ticket, or connect with us

I applied during Main Round and was waitlisted, but I haven’t received an offer from a waitlisted school.

If you haven't received a waitlist offer yet AND you do not have a placement for next year, then you should participate in Open Enrollment. Getting a school assignment through Open Enrollment will not impact your student’s waitlist position. If you get a waitlist offer, you can trade into that school if you like, but if you don't have a placement at all, then you won't be assigned to a school for the start of the school year. If you are waitlisted and already have a placement for next year, you do not need to participate in Open Enrollment. Waitlist offers will be made by email by the NOLA-PS Enrollment team. You can see waitlist information in the Parent Portal starting May 10. 

If I don't choose a school, will NOLA-PS assign my student to one like a default choice?

No. Families must make a school choice and register with their school directly to secure a seat for the next school year. If families do not choose a school, their child will not have a seat for the 2024 - 2025 school year at a NOLA-PS school.

I received a placement during Main Round, but I would like to switch my placement and select a new school.

Please participate in Open Enrollment and select a school from the available schools list now. Need assistance? Submit a help desk ticket, or connect with us.   

*Please note families can only participate in Open Enrollment to make direct changes twice; families will need to contact NOLA-PS to request additional transfers.

I need to check my placement.
How do I recheck my school placement?

Log in to the Parent Portal to check to see what your placement is for the 2024 - 2025 school year. 

I still have questions and I need help.
I still have questions and I need help.

For assistance, submit a ticket at the Help Desk, call us at 504-547-6652, or connect with us at a Family Resource Center. 

Still Have Questions?