Any student who is interested in enrolling at a school with eligibility criteria during Main Round must first meet requirements to qualify for enrollment. There are 10 schools with eligibility criteria: 4 schools with academic eligibility criteria, 5 schools with foreign language eligibility criteria, and 1 school with open house eligibility criteria. See the list below.
The 2025 - 2026 Main Round NCAP is now closed. Visit each school's website linked below for more information about completing your requirements. Information on spring testing (if applicable) and summer Open Enrollment will be posted here, please check back regularly for more details.
Students who rank a school with eligibility criteria on their NOLA-PS application and who met the eligibility criteria of the school by the deadline will be considered for admission at that school during the Main Round match. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria OR do not rank a school with eligibility criteria will not be considered for admission at a school with eligibility criteria. Families will receive their Main Round school placement by April 7, 2025.
Eligible students who are not assigned a seat during Main Round will be added to the waitlist.
Please check back here for updates, or visit the school's website for more details. |
Testing information for Main Round: |
Visit the school's website for more details. |
Visit the school's admissions website for more details. |
Please check back here for updates, or visit the school's website for more details. |
Please check back here for updates, or visit the school's website for more details. |
Please check back here for updates, or visit the school's website for more details. |
Please check back here for updates, or visit the school's website for more details. |
You can register for testing via this form, and visit the school's website for more details. |
Families can find out more about Open House and admissions information on the NOMMA website. |