K-12 Mid-Year Transfers

Kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) Mid-Year Transfers

After Open Enrollment closes, students in Kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) are not permitted to transfer schools only because of preference. When a NOLA-PS K-12 student needs to change schools mid-year, the family submits a Hardship Transfer Request or Accelerated Transfer Request.

The hardship transfer window is closed after February 28. No new requests are accepted. Previously submitted hardship transfer requests cannot be appealed or reopened after February 28. Families with approved hardship transfers must select a new school no later than March 26, 2025.

Families who would like to change schools can select a new placement for the 2025-2026 school year during Open Enrollment, which begins on May 14, 2025. More information on Open Enrollment will be available on our website in coming weeks.

Families who have safety concerns should work with their current school on a safety plan for the remainder of the school year. If appropriate, students should be referred to the Student Hearing Office. Families with specific questions or concerns should contact transfers@nolapublicschools.com.

What qualifies as a Hardship Transfer?

The Hardship Transfer Categories & Requirements (en Español) (Tiếng Việt) document outlines eligible hardship transfer reasons with brief descriptions and requirements for supporting documentation. 

How do I apply for a Hardship Transfer?

Hardship transfer requests are only available during the hardship transfer window. The Hardship Transfer Timeline (en Español) (Tiếng Việt) outlines the steps of the process. Families with specific questions or concerns should contact transfers@nolapublicschools.com

Learn More


What qualifies as an Accelerated Transfer?

Accelerated Transfers are for 8th*-12th grade students to transfer from one NOLA-PS school to a NOLA-PS school with an accelerated program when the student is overage for their grade. Please note that 8th grade students must be fifteen (15) years of age or older. 

Students Who May Be a Good Fit:

  • Students who are overage for their grade
  • Students who have been previously retained
  • Students not on track to graduate on time
  • *Overage 8th grade students who are at least 15 years old

How do I apply for an Accelerated Transfer?

NOLA-PS only accepts Accelerated Transfer requests directly from schools. Your current school will be able to assist you with an Accelerated Transfer request. Please contact your school administration if you are interested in this option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to view the FAQ
Can I get a seat at any school of my choice after an approved Hardship Transfer?
No, students can only enroll in a school with an available seat. If the school has eligibility requirements like a test or open house, those still apply. 
We moved last year but my preferred school was not available during Open Enrollment. Can I apply for a transfer now based on Student Residence Change?
No, the Student Residence Change category is only if you have moved after the start of the current school year.  
My student is not doing well academically at their current school, can I request a Hardship Transfer?
Hardship Transfers are not granted based on academic challenges. If your student is struggling academically, including in language immersion programs, we encourage you to work with the school to best support your student. 
My student’s Hardship Transfer Request was approved, but there are no seats available at the school I prefer. Can my child stay at their current school?
Yes, you may choose to keep your student at their current school. 
One of my students was approved for a Hardship Transfer, can I transfer all of my students who are at the same school?
No, each student must have their own approved request to transfer. 
Will my student’s absences be excused while we wait for the Hardship Transfer decision?
No, absences are not excused during the Hardship Transfer process. 
My student has a hearing or conference scheduled with the Office of Student Discipline and Behavior Support; can I request a Hardship Transfer?
Students who have a pending disciplinary hearing or conference cannot transfer via the Hardship Transfer Request process. At the conclusion of the disciplinary process, if your student was not placed at alternative school, you may request a Hardship Transfer. 
My student’s Hardship Transfer Request was denied. What are my options now?

We encourage all families to work with their school to best support their students. If you have additional documentation or the student’s situation has changed, you may submit an appeal by sending an email with all additional documentation and information to transfers@nolapublicschools.com. Only appeals with new information will be considered. 

Families are also encouraged to complete a Main Round NCAP or participate in summer Open Enrollment to choose a new school for next school year.