Several schools in the NOLA-PS unified enrollment system have eligibility criteria, which means a student must meet certain requirements to be eligible to attend. These schools have a specific instructional model and eligibility testing ensures that students have the foundation to be successful at the school. Before students can enroll, they must complete action steps with the school to confirm eligibility.
Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria by the specified deadlines are not eligible to enroll. Eligibility alone does not guarantee placement; sometimes there are more eligible applicants than available seats. If any school, or grade within the school, has eligibility criteria, the information is listed on the Admissions tab of the school’s page on the NOLA-PS Explore Schools tool.
There are several kinds of eligibility criteria for NOLA-PS schools.
- Academic Eligibility: Students must pass a test to demonstrate academic proficiency
- Audubon Montessori School
- Ben Franklin High School
- Lake Forest Elementary School
- Willow School
- Foreign Language Eligibility: Students must pass a test to demonstrate foreign language proficiency
- Audubon School (French)
- Hynes – Lakeview & Hynes – UNO (French)
- International School of Louisiana (French & Spanish)
- Lycee Francias (French)
- Open House Eligibility: Students and/or families must attend an open house to demonstrate an understanding of the educational experience provided at the school
- New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy (NOMMA)
NCAP Notes for Language Eligibility Schools
- Please note that eligibility criteria can apply to all grades in a school or to a subset of grades. For example, Lycee Francais is open enrollment for kindergarten and requires a language proficiency assessment for grades 1-12. For Lycee Francais, applicants need to pass a French proficiency test in order to be eligible for admission to first grade, but kindergarten applicants are welcome to apply regardless of language proficiency and do not need to pass a French assessment.
- Please note that to rank a language immersion program on your NCAP, you must select the program that includes French or Spanish in the school title. For example, you could rank both Audubon – Gentilly (open enrollment, no eligibility requirements) AND Audubon French (French immersion program with eligibility requirements) on the same NCAP as 2 of the 12 school choices.
See the required next steps for all schools with eligibility criteria here, or click each icon below to see information about the next steps.
Academic Eligibility Criteria

Language Eligibility Criteria

Open House Eligibility Criteria