Family link is a way to try to have multiple students from the same household be assigned to the same school. Family link happens automatically when families rank school choices in the same order for multiple students under a single parent account. Family link seeks to place all connected students into the highest-ranked school choice with available seats for each applicant, even if one or more applicants would have received a higher-ranked placement without the link. Please note that all students must be eligible for all schools listed on the application and all ranked school choices must be in the same order for family link to be enabled. If a student is not eligible for one of the ranked schools on their application, family link will not apply.
Families may wish to opt out of family link. Families may rank school choices in the same order on their children’s applications, but want each child to get into the highest ranked school on their application for which they can receive a placement. If a parent/guardian would like each child to be matched to their highest ranked school (more than they would like all children to be matched to the same school), the family should opt out of family link. Opting out of family link could increase the chances that one applicant may receive a higher ranked placement, however it also increases the chances of receiving a different placement for the sibling applicants. In order to opt out of family link, email
If a family has more than one child born together in the same birth event, like twins, there are some special procedures for enrolling them together. If one of the twins gets placed at a school they applied to, the other twin will also get in if they applied to the same schools. This only happens if all the kids in the family completed a Main Round application on time and with family-linked turned on. The schools will check to make sure they are in fact siblings before they start school. Please note that for schools with Eligibility Criteria, each child will need to meet eligibility requirements to be placed together. If a student is not eligible for one of the ranked schools on their application, family link will not apply.
Sibling Priority: If a student applies to a school that their sibling already attends and will continue attend next year, the student will receive sibling priority in the Main Round. Please note that siblings can EITHER share a parent/guardian OR a residence.
On the student’s NCAP, there is a space for families to indicate if the student has a sibling who will be continuing to attend the school next year. For most schools, families do not need to take any additional steps to qualify for sibling priority, simply naming the student’s sibling on the application is sufficient. However, some schools require the sibling relationship to be verified in order to receive the sibling priority.
The applying student’s sibling must be continuing to attend for the applying year for the applicant to receive sibling priority. For example, if a student applying to 9th grade at Edna Karr has a sibling who is currently a 12th grader at Edna Karr, the 9th grader will not qualify for sibling priority because the student’s sibling will not be attending Edna Karr for the school year for which the sibling is applying.
For applying students who are multiples, the placement process is unique. If one child (but not all children of a set of multiples), concurrently applying to attend school, is matched to a school on their application, the other multiples will also be matched. Multiples will only be matched with their sibling(s) if all students have submitted timely, family-linked applications per standard enrollment procedures. Please note that for schools with Eligibility Criteria, each child will need to meet eligibility requirements to be placed together. If a student is not eligible for one of the ranked schools on their application, family link will not apply.
Sibling Verification
For some schools, sibling preference must be verified. Verification of priority is a process to make sure that students who self-report they should receive priority qualify for the priority.
Schools whose entry grade (the earliest grade the school offers) filled in the previous Main Round must complete priority verification for applying students. For example, a K-8 school that met its kindergarten match target in the Main Round for SY24-25 will participate in sibling priority verification for grades K-8 in the Main Round for SY25-26.
At these schools, the sibling relationship must be verified in order to be eligible for student priority. The family will provide documentation to the school that meets a burden of proof set forth by the district to demonstrate either: A biological or legal sibling relationship through one or more common parents or legal guardians OR shared household status among siblings through a common address. These priorities shall be verified in coordination between the applicant and the school. Families shall have the ability to appeal the school’s review of sibling status within one week of the close of the Main Round application.
Schools Requiring Sibling Verification for Main Round 2025-2026
Families can reach out to the school to get additional information about the process for verification. Sibling Verification Directions on how to submit documentation to each school will be linked here prior to Main Round--please check back. Schools offer online and/or in person options.
Please note that Lake Forest and Willow only offer sibling priority for kindergarten applicants.
Required Documentation
Documents should be submitted to the applicant’s sibling’s school. Documentation can be submitted in-person or electronically depending on the directions from the school. All applicants seeking to verify sibling priority must provide matching documentation that lists the parent/guardian’s name and the siblings’ names. Documentation should be active and issued by a governmental agency. Options include: